Tag: court

What Information About Trump Do Voters Deserve?

What Information About Trump Do Voters Deserve?

The wiser course advised in “Jack Smith and the Supreme Court” (Review & Outlook, Dec. 16) would be to “let the voters decide” after considering “the facts of what the special counsel found.” But the question arises as to what information the voters should have when they make their fateful decision—the singular perspective of the special counsel or the facts as presented and adjudicated in a court of law, and upon which any subsequent determination of innocence or guilt will be based?Robert BurackCopyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Go First RP tells Court

Go First RP tells Court

The Resolution Professional (RP) of grounded airline Go First told the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) that Rs 28,558 crore of claims has been received by the creditors, out of which 19% of the claims have been admitted and the remaining claims are under verification. This includes Rs 5,639 crore of claims from financial creditors or lenders, of which 68% has been admitted, while the remaining is under verification by the RP. On the other hand, the claims of operational creditors stand at Rs 19,701, of which 4% has been admitted, while the remaining is under verification. Advocate Diwakar Maheshwari, appearing for the RP, told the tribunal in the hearing on Tuesday, that there are approximately 8,000 operational creditors globally, and they are moving an a...
Donald Trump’s Contentious Day on the Witness Stand

Donald Trump’s Contentious Day on the Witness Stand

Just after 10 A.M. on Monday morning, Donald Trump was sworn in at his civil trial, where he has already been found guilty of fraudulently inflating the value of his assets, and where the court is now considering other charges and penalties, which could include a fine of up to two hundred and fifty million dollars and a permanent ban on him running businesses in New York. As sunlight streamed into the packed courtroom, Trump looked the same way he always does: hefty, unnaturally tanned, and ready to do battle.Kevin Wallace, a lawyer from the New York attorney general’s office, started off the questioning gently, but it didn’t take long for Trump to go off track and start making political speeches. He complained about prosecutors—“all Democrats, all Trump haters”—who he said were coming at...
Trump’s Jan. 6 Trial: We Owe It to History

Trump’s Jan. 6 Trial: We Owe It to History

Peggy Noonan is an opinion columnist at the Wall Street Journal where her column, "Declarations," has run since 2000. She was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 2017.  A political analyst for NBC News, she is the author of nine books on American politics, history and culture, from her most recent, “The Time of Our Lives,” to her first, “What I Saw at the Revolution.” She is one of ten historians and writers who contributed essays on the American presidency for the book, “Character Above All.” Noonan was a special assistant and speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan. In 2010 she was given the Award for Media Excellence by the living recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor; the following year she was chosen as Columnist of the Year by The Week. She has been a fellow a...