Tag: civil liberties

Xenophobia Drives Foes of Nippon Steel’s Deal

Xenophobia Drives Foes of Nippon Steel’s Deal

Election-year jitters have the Biden administration and a few swing-state members of Congress from both parties parroting union concerns about Nippon Steel’s takeover of U.S. Steel. The United Steelworkers union favored Cleveland-Cliffs’s offer, which was almost 50% lower than Nippon’s $14.1 billion bid. There is no real cause for concern other than xenophobia and the damage it could do to Cleveland-Cliffs’s position as the sole U.S. producer of electrical steel for transformers and electric vehicles. The rest is imported.Nippon’s steelmaking is at least as advanced as U.S. Steel’s, so technology export control isn’t an issue. National security could be a concern if American mills were shutting down due to unfairly subsidized Japanese exports to the U.S. But Nippon never used gimmicks to ...
Nikki Haley’s Civil War Battlefield

Nikki Haley’s Civil War Battlefield

Nikki Haley made a mess. Part of the job of running for president is being able to think on your feet and answer weird questions that come out of the blue. Enemies are always looking to trip you up. Voters want to see how you handle yourself under fire. It’s a necessary skill to answer with aplomb.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Civil War Gaffe Undercuts Nikki Haley’s 2024 Pitch

Civil War Gaffe Undercuts Nikki Haley’s 2024 Pitch

Updated Dec. 29, 2023 10:24 am ETRepublican Nikki Haley, who until this week had run a disciplined and largely error-free presidential campaign, has been forced into an uncomfortable and unexpected new chore: doing cleanup on a blunder related to the Civil War and slavery.The former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador was forced into defensive mode after she omitted slavery from an answer she gave at a New Hampshire campaign event where she was asked what prompted the Civil War. Her long-winded response avoided giving the answer to a basic question most learned in grade school, teeing up a barrage of criticism from political foes.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Nikki Haley Says ‘Of Course’ Civil War Was About Slavery, Following Criticism

Nikki Haley Says ‘Of Course’ Civil War Was About Slavery, Following Criticism

Updated Dec. 28, 2023 7:38 pm ETRepublican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Thursday the Civil War was caused by a fight over slavery as she tried to tamp down a political uproar hours after she failed to mention it when asked about the conflict’s origins.“Of course the Civil War was about slavery, we know that, that’s the easy part of it,” she said on a Pulse of NH radio show. “I’m from the South. Of course you know it’s about slavery.”Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
China Imposes Sanctions on U.S. Data Firm

China Imposes Sanctions on U.S. Data Firm

Updated Dec. 26, 2023 9:28 pm ETChina’s government hit back at U.S. criticism of its human-rights record on Tuesday by imposing sanctions on a Los Angeles firm and two analysts involved in scouring the country’s supply chain for abuses.Beijing said the actions under its Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law will be applied to Kharon, a research and data analytics firm, in response to its work monitoring Xinjiang, a far western region of China where the U.S. government, Western media and independent researchers have documented human-rights abuses against ethnic minorities, including primarily Muslim Uyghurs.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Anti-Zionism Is Deadlier Than Antisemitism

Anti-Zionism Is Deadlier Than Antisemitism

Some say that anti-Zionism isn’t tantamount to antisemitism. If so, it’s worse. Antisemitism always stings, but in the West today, it usually doesn’t wound. The same can’t be said of anti-Zionism.Antisemitism in America has consisted mostly of small things: exclusion from country clubs, restrictive covenants on housing, quotas in college admissions, casual slights and insults. Since World War II, the same has been true, if a little worse, in the rest of the West. America and Europe have seen horrible moments of violence, such as at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 or the Toulouse shootings in France in 2012, as well as instances of intimidation, vandalism and assault. But these have mostly been isolated incidents.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cb...
Trump’s Ballot Eligibility Adds to Voting Battles in 2024

Trump’s Ballot Eligibility Adds to Voting Battles in 2024

Updated Dec. 22, 2023 5:11 pm ETThe fast-moving legal drama over Donald Trump’s fitness for the presidential ballot adds to a growing pile of court battles that promises to be a central story line in the 2024 election. Even before Colorado’s top court deemed Trump an insurrectionist and therefore ineligible to hold office, other courts were considering voting cases that could affect millions of people. Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8