Tag: charles koch

Haley Endorsement Marks Presidential Return of Koch Donor Network

Haley Endorsement Marks Presidential Return of Koch Donor Network

The billionaire Koch family and its network of like-minded donors are tiptoeing back into presidential politics, putting money behind their opposition to former President Donald Trump and backing an alternative candidate in the 2024 Republican primary, Nikki Haley.So far, it hasn’t committed a lot of money to its play, which is seen by some as a long-shot bid to reassert influence in a party dominated by Trump and as a way to appease donors who want to be more politically active.  Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The Futility of the Never Trump Billionaires

The Futility of the Never Trump Billionaires

When the Republican Presidential-primary season began this spring, one element seemed different than in past cycles: the Party’s donors—its billionaires and multimillionaires and assorted invisible hands—were lining up against the front-runner, Donald Trump. Ron DeSantis’s super PAC, Never Back Down, raised an eye-popping hundred and thirty million dollars before the Florida governor’s campaign was two months old. Leaders from the Club for Growth, the influential small-government lobby, launched a PAC devoted to moving the Party’s voters past Trump. “The last three elections show he’s lost,” the group’s president, the former congressman David McIntosh, said. Americans for Prosperity Action, the super PAC affiliated with the Koch network, announced that it was committing seventy million do...