Tag: Bribery

Assassination in Ecuador – WSJ

Assassination in Ecuador – WSJ

Political upheaval in Latin America may seem distant from U.S. shores, but Wednesday’s assassination of Ecuadoran presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio is a sign of growing world disorder and may be fallout from American demand for drugs.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Kevin McCarthy Says Impeachment Inquiry of Joe Biden Being Prepared – RedState

Kevin McCarthy Says Impeachment Inquiry of Joe Biden Being Prepared – RedState

Is Joe Biden finally about to face the first steps of impeachment? That’s what House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled on Monday evening. While appearing on Fox News, McCarthy laid out the case that Joe Biden accepted bribes and funneled money through a variety of shell companies. He then said at the end of the segment with Sean Hannity that “this is rising to the level of an impeachment inquiry.” MCCARTHY: "This is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry…" pic.twitter.com/NmXh6ATrEG — Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 25, 2023 MCCARTHY: We would know none of this if Republicans had not taken the majority. We have only followed where the information has taken us, but this is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry, which provides Congress the strongest power to get the rest of the ...