32 Best Black Friday Deals on Outdoor Gear (2023): REI, Garmin, and More
Black Friday is traditionally the season when you shop for televisions or Christmas presents, and not so much for outdoor gear. But that has changed in the past few years with REI's Get Up Get Out Sale and other outdoor retailers. It turns out now is a great time to score a deal on tents, backpacks, sleeping pads, Garmin devices, and more. The deals are here now, even if the turkey isn't. Don't see anything you like? Don't forget to check out our buying guides for our best outdoor recommendations, including our guides to The Best Tents, The Best Sleeping Pads, Camp Cooking Gear, The Best GoPros, and The Best Barefoot Shoes.We test products year-round and handpicked these deals. Products that are sold out or no longer discounted as of publishing will be crossed out. We'll update this guide...