Tag: asteroids approaching earth

Asteroids approaching earth today: All about this close encounter

Asteroids approaching earth today: All about this close encounter

In an era where space agencies are constantly on alert for happenings in the vast space, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ESA (European Space Agency), and other global space organisations have harnessed cutting-edge technology to monitor and even deflect asteroids that come dangerously close to Earth. Today, on September 11, 2023, NASA has come out with critical details about an approaching space visitor, Asteroid 2023 RU, emphasising the crucial role such monitoring plays in safeguarding our planet.Details about Asteroid 2023 RUThrough a network of satellites, space-based telescopes, and ground observatories, NASA has been tracking Asteroid 2023 RU. This asteroid is currently en route to Earth and is anticipated to make its closest approach at a distance of approxima...