Tag: ars technica

Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

Space Force Is Planning a Military Exercise in Orbit

The Victus Haze mission is more complicated than Victus Nox, involving two prime contractors, two spacecraft, and two rocket launches from different spaceports, all timed to occur with short timelines "to keep the demonstration as realistic as possible," a Space Force spokesperson told Ars."This demonstration will ultimately prepare the United States Space Force to provide future forces to combatant commands to conduct rapid operations in response to adversary on-orbit aggression," Space Systems Command said in a statement.Faith in Commercial Space"This is a really significant operational demonstration that is really pushing the envelope on technology and demonstrates a lot of faith in the US industrial base," Rogers said."Fundamentally, this is about characterizing an unknown capability ...
This Rare Case of Green Hairy Tongue Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

This Rare Case of Green Hairy Tongue Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

Medical imagery tends to burst with gore and horror, from grisly gashes and festering flesh to a merciless gush of other odious afflictions. But the most disturbing sights aren't always the most grievous ailments—as a recent case in Ohio demonstrates. A man there developed a completely benign condition. His prognosis was excellent. He recovered in full, quickly. Yet, for any observer, a ghastly glimpse of his mild malady may cause acute discomfort and enduring trauma.The man briefly developed an unusual condition in which a shaggy carpet of green fibers covered his tongue, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine. (If you dare, an image of the man's tongue can be found here.) The thick, plush mat of foul fur was a form of hairy tongue syndrome. The most common version ...