Tag: Aperitivo

In Milan, Giving Aperitivo a New Twist

In Milan, Giving Aperitivo a New Twist

To understand how central the aperitivo is to Milan culture, you need only stand in the middle of the Piazza del Duomo, the city’s pulsing center, and face the cathedral. To your right you’ll see a huge version of the Martini vermouth logo glowing atop a modest skyscraper in nearby Piazza Armando Diaz. At its top is the rooftop bar Terrazza Martini. There, Martini’s various vermouths are poured into everything from Americanos to Manhattans.To the left, mere steps from the cathedral, you’ll see the three-story arched entrance to the century-old Camparino in Galleria. Camparino is the home bar for Campari, the bittersweet liqueur that is Milan’s pride and joy. And Campari and more Campari is what is served inside. A few feet away and one story up is the Terrazza Aperol (Aperol and Campari a...