Tag: 23andme

23andMe Hack Is a Wake-Up Call for Your Password Habits

23andMe Hack Is a Wake-Up Call for Your Password Habits

The recent breach of 23andMe user accounts shows a simple yet powerful truth about data security: Don’t reuse passwords, people.The DNA test-kit company on Monday reported a hacker accessed 14,000 accounts because of password reuse, exposing information belonging to approximately 6.9 million people. The 23andMe computer network wasn’t breached and wasn’t the source of these compromised credentials, a company spokesman said in a statement. The company first disclosed the incident in October and has been investigating since then.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
The 23andMe Data Breach Keeps Spiraling

The 23andMe Data Breach Keeps Spiraling

More details are emerging about a data breach the genetic testing company 23andMe first reported in October. But as the company shares more information, the situation is becoming even murkier and creating greater uncertainty for users attempting to understand the fallout.23andMe said at the beginning of October that attackers had infiltrated some of its users' accounts and piggybacked off of this access to scrape personal data from a larger subset of users through the company's opt-in, social sharing service known as DNA Relatives. At the time, the company didn't indicate how many users had been impacted, but hackers had already begun selling data on criminal forums that seemed to be taken from at least a million 23andMe users, if not more. In a US Securities and Exchange Commission filin...
23andMe user data breached in credential-stuffing attack

23andMe user data breached in credential-stuffing attack

Biotech company , known for its DNA testing kits, confirmed to that its user data is circulating on hacker forums. The company said the leak occurred through a credential-stuffing attack.A credential-stuffing attack involves user information that has already been compromised (usernames and passwords, for example) from one organization, which a hacker obtains and attempts to reuse with a second organization — in this case, 23andMe. Because of the nature of credential-stuffing, it does not appear this was a breach of the company's internal systems. Rather, accounts were broken into piecemeal. The perpetrators of this attack appear to have obtained quite sensitive information from the compromised accounts (genetic testing results, photos, full names and geographical location, among other th...
23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews

23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews

The genetic testing company 23andMe confirmed on Friday that data from a subset of its users has been compromised. The company said its systems were not breached and that attackers gathered the data by guessing the login credentials of a group of users and then scraping more people’s information from a feature known as DNA Relatives. Users opt into sharing their information through DNA Relatives for others to see. Hackers posted an initial data sample on the platform BreachForums earlier this week, claiming that it contained 1 million data points exclusively about Ashkenazi Jews. There also seem to be hundreds of thousands of users of Chinese descent impacted by the leak. On Wednesday, the actor began selling what it claims are 23andMe profiles for between $1 and $10 per account, dependin...