Tag: 10 easy ways to add ghee in your diet

10 easy ways to add ghee in your diet and its health benefits

10 easy ways to add ghee in your diet and its health benefits

Clarified butter, also known as ghee which is widely used in Indian cuisine, is not only delicious but also quite nutritious. Incorporate ghee into your cooking not just for enhanced taste but also for its health benefits. It is a simple way to support your well-being and elevate the enjoyment of your meals. Don't hesitate to introduce ghee into your home and savour the positive impact it can have on your health.Here we list down 10 simple ways to add this "liquid gold" to your diet.1. Ghee and garlic to fight feverAn old remedy to alleviate persistent fever is to blend garlic with ghee. Many proponents of natural treatments endorse this method. However, if your illness persists, consult your doctor.2. Maximizing the benefits of gheeTo enhance the potency of your ghee, combine it with any...