ON AN OCTOBER AFTERNOON during Paris fashion week, model Gigi Hadid was spotted in a beat-up leather jacket. Did she pull it from the mother lode of vintage clothes in her famous-model mom’s closet? Mais non! The pre-distressed bomber (above) came from reliable chain store Mango and can be yours for $600, according to the brand’s website.
“It’s funny. When that happened, people said the leather moto jacket is ‘back,’” mused Elaine Mellis, a San Francisco art advisor and a fan of well-worn hide. Indeed, the jackets never went anywhere—they’ve just re-entered the spotlight thanks to brands such as Saint Laurent and Prada, which showed faded versions on their fall and spring runways, respectively. “People love to make them look ‘vintage.’ But good ones are vintage,” argued Mellis. “Some of mine have been around for decades.”
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