‘My Name Is Barbra’ Review: A Star Is Boring

First, there’s its sheer heft. At nearly 1,000 pages, Barbra Streisand’s memoir, “My Name Is Barbra,” is longer than the combined recollections of Prince Harry (“Spare”), Britney Spears (“The Woman in Me”) and Henry Winkler (“Being Henry”). Hello, gorge us.

Then there’s its breadth. Granted, Ms. Streisand, now 81, is the enduring pop voice of her generation, not to mention a Broadway and Hollywood star, movie director, producer and composer, and political and social activist. She has met and worked with many famous people, befriended some of them, campaigned for a few (notably Bill and Hillary Clinton), and thus has lots of ground to cover. A winner of Emmys, Grammys, Oscars and a Tony, Ms. Streisand is a woman of many talents.

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