MILLER: Texas Knows – RedState

News of the Colorado court decision to force President Donald Trump off the state ballot has connected the good people of Texas to the national political debate like never before. And with another move in Maine designed to interfere with the 2024 election, we see the Democrats and their Republican in Name Only enablers squaring off against President Trump in a pitched battle we Texans know all too well.

Joe Biden and the liberal Democrats have settled on their victory strategy for 2024. In 2016, it was their Russia Hoax. Now it’s their “Threat-to-Democracy Hoax,” when all the while, the Democrats are wielding weaponized federal and state government agencies — like the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine Secretary of State’s office — to destroy this republic.

Here in Texas, we saw cynical politicians of both parties deploy a carbon copy of this weaponized government strategy against our democratically elected Attorney General and my friend, Ken Paxton. They didn’t like the fact that General Paxton and I had been busy suing the Biden administration for their unconstitutional overreach and were winning! And, like the three failed attempts to remove Trump from the presidency, these Lone Star State insiders’ impeachment strategy crashed and burned in September.

As a result, today, Texans know better than most that President Trump is right: This is the stuff of raging third-world communist tyrants waging an all-out war on American democracy.

And President Trump is also correct when he says this election will decide whether we are a fascist country or a free country — whether we have the rule of tyrants or the rule of law.

What Attorney General Paxton faced down and defeated is a reflection of the battle our nation is enduring as the “Get Trump” forces in both political parties pursue our former and future president.

But just as neither man is guilty, neither man is fearful. Both are also boldly standing up to the cynical political insiders working to destroy democracy. And both are winning.

For President Trump, it all started with the Russia Hoax, a pack of lies curated by Hillary Clinton and her close advisor, Jake Sullivan. Innumerable federal laws were broken in this failed attempt to defeat President Trump, cripple his presidency, and destroy our democracy.

Sullivan went on to advise candidate Joe Biden and executed this same strategy to great effect in the last days of the 2020 election when intelligence community allies falsely described clear evidence of Biden family corruption found on Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation.”

Honest experts say this ruse saved candidate Biden’s campaign from certain defeat. For his efforts, Sullivan is now President Biden’s national security advisor.

Think about that: The man who devised and implemented two appalling attacks on our democracy is now the closest advisor to the president on intelligence matters. Is it any wonder the entire Biden administration is weaponized to stop the Republican most likely to defeat Joe Biden in 2024?

But Sullivan is not the only Russia Hoax veteran serving in Biden’s weaponized federal government today.

Biden-Obama’s top Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attorney, Caroline Krass, worked with the Clinton campaign to assure their “Russiagate” materials were included in the Agency’s January 6, 2017, Intelligence Community Assessment — including Hillary Clinton’s fabricated Steele dossier.

By this time, the Department of Justice knew the dossier was a pack of lies. Krass’s despicable actions kicked off the effort to try to destroy the Trump presidency. She now serves as Biden’s general counsel at the Pentagon, running a proxy war in Ukraine that their Russia Hoax made all but inevitable.

John Podesta, who chaired Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign, trafficked the “Russiagate” lies during the 2016 campaign and later testified that he backed a post-election, anti-Trump effort with Jake Sullivan to destroy the Trump presidency with the false Russia collusion narrative.

Today, Podesta serves as Senior Advisor to President Biden for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation. In this post, Podesta controls a $370 billion climate change slush fund, doling the taxpayer cash out to Biden’s pals. What could possibly go wrong?

Similarly, many of the political insiders who weaponized Texas state government against a duly and recently elected Attorney General are still serving in Austin.

President Trump is right: These are “criminals who think they can do whatever they want, break any law, tell any lie, ruin any life, trash any norm, and get away with anything they want.”

Texans know that dog just won’t hunt! There is only one answer to ending these attacks on our democracy: we must vote them out. Texans must turn out in droves in the March 5th Republican Primary to defeat these dangerous frauds — and Americans across this great nation must vote to end this era of hoaxes, witch hunts, censorship, and lawless political persecutions.

Sid Miller has served as the elected Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Texas since 2015.

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