It’s Warm. It’s Bronze. It’s Everywhere. How ‘Latte Makeup’ Became Fall’s Hottest Beauty Trend

ANYONE WHO lived through the 1990s (or has watched Apple TV+’s docuseries “The Super Models”) no doubt remembers the decade’s taste for brown makeup. To emulate era-defining faces such as model Linda Evangelista and R&B star Brandy—both particularly partial to mocha-hue lips—women embraced earthy maquillage en masse. Today, amid an amber wave of ’90s-style nostalgia, makeup brands are revisiting such tones, but the look du jour is an evolution, not a reproduction.

Fans of “latte makeup,” as it’s been dubbed, include celebrities such as models Hailey Bieber and Lori Harvey, and actress Shay Mitchell—as well as legions of Gen-Z TikTok users. The look kicks the original ’90s trend up a notch with added dimension and luminosity. “Neutral tones and monochromatic shades are elevated and sophisticated,” said New York makeup artist Delina Medhin of fall’s coffeehouse palette. “Plus, latte makeup has a sexy vibe.” 

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