How a $13.99 Snoopy Sparked a Gen-Z Craze

When Snoopy first appeared in the “Peanuts” comic strip in 1950, his creator Charles M. Schulz couldn’t have guessed that his hand-drawn beagle would spawn one of the hottest toys of 2023.

The latest Gen-Z obsession is a $13.99 stuffed Snoopy toy wearing a little blue puffer and a striped hat. A CVS exclusive, the toy is sold out at the pharmacy chain’s locations all over the country. Online, it’s being resold on sites like eBay and Mercari for anywhere between $40 to $70. On Reddit, CVS employees swap stories about receiving dozens of daily phone calls asking if they still have the toy in stock. And on TikTok, young consumers are documenting their quests to get their hands on the stuffed beagle. 

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