‘David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived’ Review: Harry Potter’s Stuntman Perseveres

‘The gift that keeps on taking” is how the inexplicably good-humored David Holmes describes his broken neck, suffered during the making of the “Harry Potter” films, on which he had served as principal stunt double for Daniel Radcliffe. Mr. Radcliffe, who is a major presence in and force behind the documentary “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived,” helps tell the story of Mr. Holmes’s journey from movie set to wheelchair, one that might have left a viewer a tear-stained wretch except for the camaraderie on display, and the enchantment of lifelong friendships.

As Mr. Radcliffe tells us, he all but grew up with Mr. Holmes, who was just a few years older than the 11-year-old unknown selected to play Harry Potter—“the boy who lived,” as Potter fans well know—and who served as a mentor-hero for the admittedly unathletic actor. Much of what Harry did on screen—flying through the air, piloting broomsticks through Quidditch games, being hurled through walls by Nagini the giant snake—Mr. Holmes actually did, as a young man who was small for his age but prodigiously talented as a gymnast and gifted with the kind of physical genius envied by those of us who lack it.

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