
DeSantis, Set for Rare CNN Interview, Struggles to Reboot

DeSantis, Set for Rare CNN Interview, Struggles to Reboot

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, with his poll numbers sagging and his opponents circling, appealed to South Carolina Republicans on Tuesday by doubling down on his attacks over social issues like transgender rights, hoping for a reset for his struggling White House campaign.But a major shift in tone or strategy from Mr. DeSantis, either toward his main rival, Donald J. Trump, or in the issues he focuses on, did not appear in the offing.Mr. DeSantis is hoping to quiet his doubters with a rare interview outside the conservative media bubble — he will be on CNN at 4 p.m. Eastern — and a swing through South Carolina, a hotly contested early primary state, where he filed the paperwork formally declaring his presidential candidacy.The front-runner in the Republican primary, Mr. Trump, has comfort...
Illinois Supreme Court Upholds ‘SAFE-T Act,’ Eliminates Cash Bail – RedState

Illinois Supreme Court Upholds ‘SAFE-T Act,’ Eliminates Cash Bail – RedState

In December, the Illinois “SAFE-T Act” was put on hold after Kankakee County Judge Thomas Cunnington found portions of the law unconstitutional. As RedState reported, the Act included numerous reforms to the Illinois criminal justice system, not least of which is the elimination of cash bail. The elimination of cash bail and the amendments to the corresponding pretrial detention provisions is where the SAFE-T Act proves most controversial, and with good reason. Pretrial detention replaces bail to prevent the defendant from fleeing prosecution but also serves to protect the public from the threat posed by dangerous defendants. But the SAFE-T Act sets multiple standards for pretrial detention layered one on the other. These provisions will make it difficult for prosecutors when petitioni...
DeSantis Camp Struggles Amid Trump Resiliency

DeSantis Camp Struggles Amid Trump Resiliency

RealClearPolitics co-founder and president Tom Bevan joins RCP Washington bureau chief Carl Cannon to discuss Gov. DeSantis' dropping poll numbers, Trump's resiliency with his supporters, RFK Jr.'s appeal in the Democratic Party, and the possibility of a third-party challenger in the 2024 presidential election.
Dems warn of 30-foot sea level rise without action on climate, call for ‘recovery plan’

Dems warn of 30-foot sea level rise without action on climate, call for ‘recovery plan’

Dozens of House Democrats put forward legislation last week that claims the sea level will rise as much as 30 feet by the year 2100 if the government does not act to counter climate change.The non-binding resolution from 65 Democrats argues there is a disproportionate impact of climate change on children, and warns that the warming climate is a threat to the fundamental rights and mental health of children around the world. A government acknowledgment and solution to the "threat to national security" posed by climate change is needed to counter potentially irreversible harms to the environment, they wrote.'SQUAD' DEM FACES BACKLASH FOR SMEARING ISRAEL AS 'RACIST STATE': 'TRULY DISGUSTING' Dozens of House Democrats put forward legislation last week that claims the sea level will rise as m...
Congressional Black Caucus allies launch ‘eight-figure’ effort to flip the House

Congressional Black Caucus allies launch ‘eight-figure’ effort to flip the House

A top ally of the Congressional Black Caucus is launching a super PAC that will spend tens of millions of dollars to mobilize Black voters and flipping the House majority for Democrats — and electing the first Black speaker of the House. Niccara Campbell-Wallace, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC's former political director, will serve as the executive director of the new organization, called Rolling Sea Action Fund. It will be aligned, but not directly affiliated, with the all-Democratic Congressional Black Caucus, and the group will be organized as a "hybrid PAC," a designation that will allow Rolling Sea to both raise money for candidates and have a separate account raising unlimited sums to spend on ads and other election spending.Assuming Democrats hold a vacant seat in Rhode Island...
Megyn Kelly Gushes Over Trump, Says Beef Is ‘Under The Bridge’

Megyn Kelly Gushes Over Trump, Says Beef Is ‘Under The Bridge’

Conservative commentator Megyn Kelly has apparently patched things up with Donald Trump after the former president made outlandishly sexist comments about her in a 2015 spat.The former Fox News host raved about Trump on her SiriusXM talk show on Monday, gushing that they had a “one-on-one together for the first time in years” at a weekend conservative conference in Florida.“It was, frankly, great to see him,” Kelly said. “All that nonsense between us is under the bridge and he could not have been more magnanimous.”Trump in 2015 called Kelly a “bimbo” and said she had “blood coming out of her wherever” after she took him to task during a GOP presidential debate over misogynistic things he’d said about women. Kelly faced backlash last year after she suggested the media had exaggerated the e...
Biden to host Israel’s Herzog amid tensions between their two nations

Biden to host Israel’s Herzog amid tensions between their two nations

Comment on this storyCommentPresident Biden is scheduled to host Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the White House on Tuesday, a high-profile meeting with the country’s ceremonial head that comes amid tensions between Biden and the leader of Israel’s ruling coalition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.It is the second visit to the White House in the past nine months for Herzog, whose position is mostly symbolic but whose approach and tone are often more moderate than Netanyahu and the hard-line elements of the Israeli parliament. Netanyahu, although he is the elected leader of the country’s government, has not met with Biden since the Israeli leader took office again in December.In an attempt to ease tensions and possibly avoid the sense that he is snubbing Netanyahu, Biden on Monday spok...
Blinken Calls Blockade of Diplomatic Nominees a National Security Risk

Blinken Calls Blockade of Diplomatic Nominees a National Security Risk

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken called on the Senate to quickly confirm more than three dozen State Department nominees, charging that delaying tactics employed by Republican senators seeking leverage on unrelated issues were “undermining national security.”Mr. Blinken’s comments reflect growing alarm in the Biden administration about Republican moves to block nominees across the government, including at the Defense Department and the Justice Department.Mr. Blinken said that 38 presidential nominees for State Department posts had completed hearings and been approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations but were being denied confirmation votes by the full Senate. Among them are would-be ambassadors to several countries where the United States has critical interests, including ...
Jim Jordan Threatens to Drop Legal Hammer on Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Over Censorship – RedState

Jim Jordan Threatens to Drop Legal Hammer on Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg Over Censorship – RedState

As we reported earlier, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s new social media platform — Threads — which is supposed to be a direct competitor to Twitter and just started this month, didn’t get off to an auspicious start with claims of censorship coming right away. They were then hit with a legal cease and desist threat from Twitter owner Elon Musk for misappropriation of trade secrets by allegedly using proprietary information from Twitter. Now the House Judiciary Committee is looking into allegations of censorship on Threads and is demanding answers by letter from Zuckerberg in a letter Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent out on Monday. The Committee was already looking into censorship by Meta regarding its other properties, such as Facebook. About a week ago, I wrote about the very troubling news th...