An Astronaut With ‘Bad Eyesight and a Fear of Heights’

As a NASA astronaut, Mike Massimino spacewalked four times to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. When he retired in 2014 and began giving talks about his experiences, he assumed audiences would want to hear about the thrills of those exploits. Instead, he found himself fielding questions that were broader and deeper: How did he weather disappointments? What did he do to build trust with colleagues? Why didn’t he give up when NASA rejected him three times before accepting him?

“I still get asked the usual things, like did I throw up and how did I sleep, but talks about problem-solving and teamwork are what really resonate with people,” Massimino, 61, says while on a recent visit to the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, not far from where he lives and where he now teaches engineering at Columbia University. “The space stories just help them remember the takeaways, the lessons I learned from making mistakes.”

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