Pro-Hamas Marchers Storm NYC Store That Has ‘Kidnapped’ Posters Outside – RedState

A pro-Hamas march was making its way through New York City when the marchers fell upon a store that had flyers of kidnapped Israelis posted on a big pole out in front.  

That’s when the marchers — some of whom had their faces covered with keffiyehs — tried to rip down the flyers. This, even in the face of a Jewish woman — whom reports described as the owner of the store — tried to protect the flyers.  Police were also there trying to protect the woman, another man, and the flyers from the marchers. 

In the video you can see people ripping the flyers to shreds, even stomping on them, and other people having to be stopped by the police. That’s what these marchers think of children and babies kidnapped by Hamas. That’s the kind of defense that they would give the terrorists who did such a thing. 

The woman in the video asks if we are safe in New York, a sad commentary on the situation. She also says they weren’t the freedom fighters they envisioned themselves to be. 

Things get a bit crazy, even with the police there. One of the marchers tries to reach past the Jewish store owner and the police to rip down the flyers.

If the police hadn’t been there, one has to wonder what would have happened. 

Journalist Karol Markowicz said that the store belonged to a friend of hers, and chastised Mayor Eric Adams for not doing more to protect the city’s Jewish people.

This same group also stomped all over the Israeli flag, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “From the river to the sea.” as they tried to set the flag on fire. But a man tried to grab the flag from them. They kicked him, but he was able to get it away from them. 

Unfortunately, the Democrats don’t seem to be taking this hate very seriously. Biden’s focus is all on his new Islamophobia initiative, as he tries to pander for votes from Muslims and in places like Michigan, where reports show his support is slipping. The slide is drastic, the statistics show; Biden now only has 17 percent support from Arab Americans, when he had 59 percent in 2020. 

Meanwhile, antisemitism seems to be skyrocketing, and Biden doesn’t seem to be taking seriously the dangers of such actions and support for terrorists.

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