50 Best Holiday Gifts for 2023—All Under $150

By WSJ Off Duty Editors

AT A TIME when a box of Special K Red Berries cereal can cost as much as $11, it seemed unseemly to suggest truly extravagant holiday presents. So when compiling this guide, we adopted two stern conditions: None of the ideas could cost more than $150 (even the fanciest ones made of cashmere or designed to hold Champagne). And none could look remotely chintzy. 

We know you’ll never all agree on what constitutes “affordable.” Is a $78 planter (sure to please your favorite green-thumb) a deal? Not beside a basic, boring version from Home Depot, no. But this one—19 inches tall—isn’t boring. It could pass for a Brancusi sculpture. It will occasion comment. For its quality, we feel it’s distinctly a deal. As you explore the other 49 suggestions here, we’re betting you’ll feel the same about at least a few.  

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