Trump Tells PA Rally as President, He Will Appoint ‘Real Special Prosecutor’ to Expose Bidens – RedState

One day after former President Donald Trump received a standing ovation before speaking at the Iowa Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner event, he held a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.

During the speech, Trump set up the argument that instead of him being prosecuted, it should be President Joe Biden and his family, for corruption involving Ukraine and Hunter Biden‘s business dealings. He said “the gloves are off”:

The Bidens got millions of dollars from Ukraine. Now Ukraine gets billions and billions of dollars from the American taxpayer. Joe Biden is compromised. […]

He’s been paid off. He’s a corrupt president, and you know what? I would have never said that. I have too much respect for the office of the presidency, and I never said that. I can’t say great things about him because he’s been a horrible president. But I would never say but you know what? Now, we have to take the gloves off because they took the gloves off. So, we take the gloves off.

Trump also promised that when he’s reelected as president in 2024, his administration will “appoint a real special prosecutor to expose the monumental corruption of the Biden crime family”:

When we win the election, a little more than a year from now, I will appoint a real special prosecutor to expose the monumental corruption of the Biden crime family once and for all.

And unlike the witch hunt that I’ve been going through ever since we came down that beautiful escalator in Trump Tower. They will be properly prosecuted. I promise you that. They will be looked at. Everything would be very fair, of course, but if they’re guilty, I happen to think they must be. That’s a lot of money taken in for people. Took in millions and millions, and then they say they’re not — no, they have to be.

Trump continued, addressing the new charges that Special Counsel Jack Smith filed against him this week:

And they’ve broken the veil by indicting me with this ridiculousness. These are ridiculous indictments. And all they’re doing is hoping for massive election interference. That’s all they want to do. They want to damage the leading candidate, by the way, leading by far I have to say.

You can watch this segment of the speech here.

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