Tag: drug trafficking

FDA warns about Ozempic counterfeits, seizes thousands of fake drugs

FDA warns about Ozempic counterfeits, seizes thousands of fake drugs

Poison centers see spike weight-loss drug calls U.S. poison centers see spike in calls over weight-loss drugs 00:35 Federal officials are urging Ozempic users to check the legitimacy of their medications because of counterfeit versions of the popular diabetes drug that have been sold through legitimate sources. The Food and Drug Administration has seized "thousands of units" of counterfeit Ozempic 1 milligram injections in an investigation t...
The Opioid Victims Who Won’t Sign Off on Purdue’s $6 Billion Settlement

The Opioid Victims Who Won’t Sign Off on Purdue’s $6 Billion Settlement

Listen to article(2 minutes)Ellen Isaacs lost her son to an opioid overdose. But she wants none of the settlement money offered by the family that sold billions of the same OxyContin pills that got her boy hooked.Isaacs would rather see the family suffer years in court. “There’s not enough money that’s going to bring any of our kids back,” said Isaacs, 58 years old.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
A Latin Win for U.S. Security Interests

A Latin Win for U.S. Security Interests

Mary Anastasia O'Grady writes "The Americas," a weekly column on politics, economics and business in Latin America and Canada that appears every Monday in the Journal. Ms. O'Grady joined the paper in August 1995 and became a senior editorial page writer in December 1999. She was appointed an editorial board member in November 2005. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Indianapolis­-based Liberty Fund. In 2012 Ms. O’Grady won the Walter Judd Freedom Award from The Fund for American Studies. In 2009 Ms. O'Grady received the Thomas Jefferson Award from The Association of Private Enterprise Education. In 2005 Ms. O'Grady won the Bastiat Prize for Journalism awarded by the International Policy Network for her articles on the World Bank, the underground economy in Brazil and th...
Assassination in Ecuador – WSJ

Assassination in Ecuador – WSJ

Political upheaval in Latin America may seem distant from U.S. shores, but Wednesday’s assassination of Ecuadoran presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio is a sign of growing world disorder and may be fallout from American demand for drugs.Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8