Rocket Loans Personal Loans Review 2023

Find the Best Personal Loans for You

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Loan Amount
Min. Credit Score
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Loan Amount
Min. Credit Score
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Loan Amount
Min. Credit Score

RocketLoans provides personal loans for many purposes, including:

  • Debt consolidation
  • Home improvement
  • Auto-related expenses, such as maintenance and repairs
  • Medical expenses
  • Small-business expenses
  • Large purchases
  • Special occasions, such as a vacation or wedding

RocketLoans personal loans have fixed interest rates. The minimum loan amount is $2,000, and the maximum is $45,000. Borrowers can choose a 36- or 60-month repayment term. RocketLoans offers same-day loan funding for loans up to $25,000.

Borrowers pay no application fee or prepayment penalty. The loan origination fee ranges from 1% to 6%. A $15 late fee applies to payments received past the due date.

RocketLoans requires a minimum credit score of 620, although a score of 680 or better is recommended. The maximum debt-to-income ratio allowed depends on the amount of debt owed, credit score, income and other factors associated with a borrower’s financial profile.

RocketLoans has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

The RocketLoans application process is completed online. Borrowers can get a preapproval rate quote, then choose their desired loan terms to apply for a loan. Borrowers must allow RocketLoans to validate bank account information. E-signing the loan agreement and providing bank account information for deposit are the final steps.

  • People who have a good credit score
  • People who prefer an online loan application and funding process
  • People who want to receive loan funding quickly

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