Building a website is a fun and exciting thing. But it becomes a lot less exciting when you see you have to pay hundreds for web hosting every year. Kick that anxiety to the curb! You can get a lifetime of web hosting from DoRoyal for just $49.99 for a limited time.
DoRoyal has been offering premium web hosting services since 2012, with many happy customers who have helped drive it to a 4.3/5-star rating on Trustpilot.
DoRoyal offers unmetered bandwidth and web space for your site, as well as support for unlimited domains, subdomains, email addresses, and databases. You can add new features on with the Scriptaculous script installer and get peace of mind with daily cloud backups and a Spam Assassin.
One user writes, “I have never had the kind of support that I have had at DoRoyal. They act on the instant and don’t close a ticket until it has finished to your satisfaction. Best hosting service in the business, whether you run a blog or a corporate website.”
Pay once for a lifetime of hosting. Right now, you can get a lifetime of DoRoyal Web Hosting for 77% off $225 at just $49.99.

DoRoyal Website Hosting: Lifetime Subscription – $49.99
Prices are subject to change.